Appraisal well spudded within Fogelberg gas discovery in Norway

The 6506/9-4S appraisal well will be drilled by the Island Innovator semi-submersible rig.
The 6506/9-4S appraisal well will be drilled by the Island Innovator semi-submersible rig.

The well results will be used to precisely estimate the reserves and plan the development of the discovery, in which PGNiG Upstream Norway holds a 20% interest. The reserves have been preliminarily estimated to be about 60 mboe of natural gas and condensate.

– Fogelberg has significant gas potential. It is particularly important for our plans to ramp up natural gas production on the Norwegian Continental Shelf and to soon start bringing the gas to Poland. This supply source is key to our diversification strategy. Within the next few years, it should yield roughly 2.5 bcm of gas annually – said Piotr Woźniak, President of the PGNiG SA Management Board.

Discovered in April 2010, Fogelberg is located in licence PL433 in the Norwegian Sea. The drilling operations are being supervised by Spirit Energy Norge, the licence operator holding a 51.7% interest. The other partners are Faroe Petroleum (28.3%) and PGNiG Upstream Norway.

The 6506/9-4S appraisal well will be drilled by the Island Innovator semi-submersible rig. The drilling operation will take around four months, including a contingent sidetrack and production test. It will help in precisely assessing the size of the discovery.

PGNiG Upstream Norway currently holds interests in 21 exploration and production licences on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, acting under two of them as the operator. The PGNiG Group’s recoverable reserves in Norway, where it has been engaged in upstream projects since 2007, now total 83 mboe (January 1st 2018). It explores for oil and gas both in licence areas adjacent to existing fields and in less explored areas, where the potential for significant new gas discoveries is higher. The company intends to participate in future licensing rounds and is analysing opportunities to acquire further licences in Norway.

rel (PGNiG)

Photo: Island Drilling

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