A yacht sank near the mouth of the Vistula River

On Friday morning, SAR services were involved in the search for the crew of the yacht Tjorven, which sank in the Gulf of Gdansk near the mouth of the Vistula River. The services managed to rescue four people.
– On Friday at around 9.30 a.m., the crew of the yacht Tjorven radioed a mayday signal, which was picked up by the quay station, reported Polish Press Agency spokesman for the Maritime Search and Rescue Service (SAR) Rafal Goeck. He stressed that the only thing the crew had managed to communicate before the yacht sank was that they were in the area of the Vistula estuary and after this message communication with them broke down, Goeck reported.
After the signal was received, vessels from Świbno, Sztutowo and the rescue vessel Wiatr rushed in to search. Local fire brigades were directed to the shore.
– The search started in the area of Świbno and Sobieszewo Island, the SAR spokesman said.
He reported that during the search, the services were approached by an observer from the beach who noticed red flares being fired.
– Following this information, it was possible to establish the direction in which the search for the missing should go – Goeck relayed and added that lifeguards had found one person in the water. – She gave us information that there were three other people on the yacht with her and they reached the shallow end, the so-called Mewia Łacha, on their own strength – SAR spokeperson reported.
He added that the SAR rescuers swam to the surf and found the other three crew members.
– They were transported by helicopters and taken by ambulances to hospitals, he explained.
Source: PortalMorski.pl