A step closer to FSRU terminal in Gdansk Bay, Poland

Gaz-System has accomplished the tendering procedure related the Feasibility Study for FSRU terminal project including preparatory works for project’s implementation. Its results and outcomes will be published by the end of the year.The feasibility study for Floating Storage and Regasification Unit in Gdansk Bay covers all necessary aspects including preparatory works for the implementation of the strategic industrial project for Polish economy, allowing to import from 4,1 up to 8,1 bcm of LNG per annum to Poland and its neighboring countries. Aside from its basic service consisting in supplying the national grid with regasified natural gas, the analyzed vessel will be also capable to provide additional services like either reloading the LNG to smaller tankers or bunkering natural gas-propelled vessels. As a potential location for the vessel, region of Gdansk Bay had been indicated.
On 8th of March 2017 Gaz-System completed the analysis of the bids’ conformity with the provisions of the Terms of Reference and announced the final decision. According to the tender rules, all the bidders could lodge an appeal until 21 of March 2017. Currently the tender procedure is being completed – an intention of the Operator is to conclude the agreement with the contractor until the end of March.
Eight bidders took part in tendering procedure. This allowed the purchaser to select the most favorable pricing offer, meeting all the adequate requirements regarding the bidder’s experience in preparation of these type of projects, as well as proving well-qualified staff overseeing each specific stage of feasibility study preparation process.
Completion of the works and the feasibility study acceptance is planned to take place in November this year. The operational activity of FSRU is foreseen to commence in the first half of the 2021, on condition that Final Investment Decision is made by Gaz-System Management Board.
The estimated total costs of investment together with required infrastructure amounts to PLN 3 billion (circa EUR 700 million).
Positive response of the market has been observed shortly after start-up of LNG Terminal in Świnoujscie – more natural gas volumes is consumed year by year – likewise in form of LNG.
rel (Gaz-System)
Fig.: Excelerate Energy