11 ships with coal for PGE sail to Poland

Eleven ships with coal for the Polish Energy Group are sailing to Poland, that’s 700,000 tonnes of raw material, PGE president Wojciech Dąbrowski said on Monday. Poland is safe, it will have coal in the autumn and in the winter season, he assured.

– At the moment there are 11 ships with coal for us, for the Polish Energy Group – it is 700 thousand tonnes. More ships will be sailing,” Dąbrowski told Polish Radio Programme 1.

Dąbrowski conveyed that PGE is the largest electricity producer in Poland.

– We are an important element of the whole security system, including, above all, energy security – we secure Poland in terms of electricity and heat supply – he explained.

As he said, the main supplier of coal to PGE’s power plants is the Polish Mining Group.

– We are secured. Also electricity from our sources will definitely flow – he said.

He added that PGE had stepped in to support the market situation following the Polish government’s announcement of sanctions on Russia, “which were necessary and the stopping of coal imports from Russia”.

– We volunteered that we would primarily support small heating plants in the east of Poland, which had been using Russian coal for years. We will also support individual consumers,” informed Dąbrowski.

The head of PGE conveyed that coal will be imported from various directions, primarily from South America.

– This coal from South and Central America is the closest to Polish coal and will be able to be used by individual customers as well as heating plants, he explained.

He assured that Poland is safe “and will have coal in the autumn and winter season”.

The companies PGE Paliwa and Węglokoks were obliged by the Prime Minister’s decision to purchase and import a total of 4.5 million tonnes of coal suitable for individual households into Poland by 31 October 2022.

In the second half of July, the Sejm adopted a law on a coal allowance, providing for PLN 3,000 for each household using coal for heating, which must be confirmed by an appropriate entry in the Central Register of Building Emissions.

source: PortalMorski.pl

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