FPF-1 offshore platform arrived at the Stella field

Photo: Remontowa SA
As we have noticed in the Marine Traffic database, on August 19, the FPF-1 floating pruduction facility, after conversion at Remontowa Shiprepair Yard in Gdansk, reached its final location at the Stella field, a new Ithaca operated production hub in the Greater Stella Area (GSA) of the UK Central North Sea.
Towage of the platform to its destination followed the required inclining test previously carried out at the Polish yard and final marine system trials performed in a deep water location offshore Gdańsk. Upon completion of those trials, the FPF-1 commenced the tow to the Stella field. Further updates were provided once towing operations had commenced.
Read also: FPF-1 towed out of Remontowa SA for final marine system trials
Ithaca said the platform had been materially upgraded to the requirements of the GSA hub.

The FPF-1 floating production semi-submersible platform operated by Petrofac has been converted at Remontowa Shiprepair Yard SA. The contract for completion of the FPF-1 modification works was awarded by Petrofac to the shipyard which is located approximately 10 days towing time from its actual location at the Stella field.
The major part of the FPF-1 modifications programme has involved the installation of new topsides oil and gas processing equipment on the vessel. The decision by Petrofac to install new equipment, rather than partially re-use the facilities that had previously been used on the FPF-1, will lead to a higher quality vessel capable of achieving high operational uptime performance.
The 82 m long, 75 m wide and some 30 m high platform, with a displacement of 26 639 tons and lightweight of some 14 000 tons, was a significant task for Remontowa SA.

The platform has a minimum of 15 years of projected life on field and will be moored on the North Sea, serving Stella, Harrier and Hurricane oilfields.
– It has been particularly pleasing to announce the recent sail-away of the FPF-1, the quality and completeness of which means we move forward into the operational phase of the Stella development with confidence – Les Thomas CEO of Ithaca comments. – We remain focused on getting to first production safely and efficiently, whilst ensuring we secure the long term value of the hub through our on-going investment activities.
Ithaca said it now hoped to achieve first hydrocarbon production from GSA in November.
GL, rel (Ithaca Energy)