Baltic Pipe this year?

If there are no weather obstacles, the offshore section of the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline may be completed this year – said on Thursday in the Senate the government’s plenipotentiary for strategic energy infrastructure Piotr Naimski. He informed that on 5 May a ship will set sail from the port of Rotterdam to begin laying the pipes on the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

On 5 May this year, a vessel will set sail from the port of Rotterdam to the Baltic Sea, which will lay the offshore section of this transmission line. We predict that this section – if there are no weather obstacles – at the end of the year, in late autumn, at the beginning of December, it can be finished already this year – said Naimski.

These investments, i.e. the construction of compressor stations, the construction of gas pipelines in Poland and Denmark, the construction of gas pipelines in the North Sea – everything is being implemented according to the plan and schedule. There is no threat whatsoever as regards the completion of this investment and commissioning of Baltic Pipe – he assured.

Baltic Pipe is a strategic project that will create a new route for natural gas supplies from Norway to the Danish and Polish markets and to end users in neighbouring countries. The pipeline will be able to transmit 10 bcm of natural gas annually to Poland and 3 bcm from Poland to Denmark. The investors are the transmission operators: Danish Energinet and Polish Gaz-System. It is to become operational on October 1, 2022.

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