Baltic Container Terminal in Gdynia joined FEPORT

Baltic Container Terminal in the landscape of Gdynia. Photo: Tadeusz Urbaniak/Port of Gdynia
Baltic Container Terminal in the landscape of Gdynia.
Photo: Tadeusz Urbaniak/Port of Gdynia

Baltic Container Terminal (BCT) which is located at the Port of Gdynia in Poland has become a member of FEPORT (the Federation of Private Port Operators and Terminals headquartered in Brussels).

– We are excited and feel privileged to join FEPORT. Our membership will strengthen the voice of terminals in European fora and also in our home markets – said Krzysztof Szymborski, CEO of the BCT.

With a current annual handling capacity of some 750 000 TEUs, and a potential capacity of 1.2m TEUs, the Port of Gdynia’s Baltic Container Terminal (BCT) is the leading container terminal in Poland and one of the largest in the Baltic region.

The BCT is owned by the International Container Terminal Services, Inc Capital B.V, which is the Dutch subsidiary of ICTSI Inc., the global port operator based in Manila and involved in about 30 terminal concessions and port development projects in more than 20 countries (two of them in Europe). The company develops, manages and operates container terminals in the 50,000 to 2.5 m TEU per year range.

In May 2003, ICTSI was awarded a concession by the Port Authority of Gdynia to develop, operate and manage the container terminal in Gdynia, Poland. The terminal handles containerized, general, ro-ro, lo-lo cargo, heavy and oversized cargo. ICTSI Capital BV owns 100% of BCT. Volumes handled by BCT are between 300,000 and almost 500,000 TEU per year nowadays. The company employs 270 people today.

– We also believe that through joint work and discussions with other FEPORT members, we will be able to contribute to positive development of the industry in Poland and Croatia but also in the rest of Europe – Krzysztof Szymborski emphasized.

– We do believe that the more united terminal operators are, the better they will be able to raise awareness about the contribution of our industry to the European Economy – Gunther Bonz, President of FEPORT added.

Since 1993, FEPORT represents the interests of a large variety of terminal operators and stevedoring companies performing operations and carrying out activities over 400 terminals in the seaports of the European Union. It speaks on behalf more than 1200 companies. Established to promote the interests of its members it’s aimed to maintain constant dialogue with all EU institutional and non-institutional stakeholders.


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